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Wave Rock & Bukit Baginda 450m, Negeri 9

Writer's picture: GypsytrackerGypsytracker

Updated: Nov 6, 2024

The wave rock in Kuala Pilah, Negri Sembilan, discovered in 2018, was most photographed and share on social media. The trailhead of Bukit Baginda/wave rock is a whopping 2 half hours from Kuala Lumpur. However, the car journey was a pleasant surprise.

Passing through hamlets, houses on stilts, 'minangkarbau' roof, rolling hills and mysterious megalithic boulder cluster scattered all around Kuala Pilah district was enchanting.

You will see clusters of rocks mysteriously placed on empty farm land believed to be a symbol of fertility of Adat Perpatih community around the 14th century. interestly, the minangkarbau community practices a matrilineal descent system.

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40m wide giant wave rock

Starting point: If you are coming from KL, just google or waze Bukit Baginda Trailhead. There is a signboard indicating Right to the wave rock on the main Seremban-Kuala Pilah road

Hike Duration: Allow around 2-2 half hours up and another 1 half-hour down

End Hike: It is a backtrack.

Hike Difficulty: 3/5 with a cave section, and many ropes.

Scenery Rewards: 1/5 the star of the hike has to be the rock!

Note: This hike is relatively moderate but highly dependent on the weather. The first part of the hike is on a river bed through rock-forming caves. I can imagine the water level can be dangerously high as it is at the narrow and enclosed part of the stream.

When you hike in secluded areas, there are high chances you meet up with wildlife. We encountered a black panther as we were trekking out of the jungle, about 30m away from our path. Always hike in a group and advisable not to do it alone!

What to bring

1. Basic first aid utilities

2. Walking stick is a live saver especially when the trail turns into hot creamy chocolate!

3. Raincoat and Pancho ( you will be able to find them at any convenience store or Daiso shops for about RM6.00) it would certainly rain, so make sure you have one!

4. Torch. The cave section although short but can be dark! It is advisable to have a torch or headlamp.

5. At least 2l of water, pack lunch, snack

6. Change of clothes, especially if you want to refresh yourself by the waterfalls at the end of the hike.

7. Good pair of hiking shoes is absolutely necessary

8. Gloves as there is quite many rope sections

9. Check the weather forecast

10. A small bottle of spray with Listerine or Dettol in case of leech attack. There are leeches here!


wave rock
First part you will see sign directing you to the trail, second part marked with CP1-CP8

Start hike

There is a make-shift counter at the trailhead. A permit is needed for RM 5 by the Negeri Sembilan forestry department and RM3 for miscellaneous. Make sure you have RM8 in hand.

The whole trail is well marked with signs except for one part after the cave. If taken a wrong trail here, you will end up hiking through more rubber plantation before hitting the actual ascend!

*** 2nd route, I realized there are 2 or 3 trails leading to the wave rock. If you take the left path at the fork at the rubber estate trail (10 minutes in, enter the NO ENTRY sign), you will hit a massive boulder and beneath that boulder, there are ancient grave there believed to be the grave of Bagido.

We took the more adventurous way through the rock cave.

Part 1 - Rubber Plantation, Cave

The walk through the rubber estate is picturesque and easy but annoyingly disturbing with the swarms of mosquitos try to feast on you.

The collection cups of the latex milk collect water too. The trapped water makes a perfect breeding ground for mosquito larva! Quickly brisk through the estate and head to the riverbed.

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Walk through mosquito rubber estate- flat and easy first 15 minutes
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Walk along the river bed- water level could be high if raining

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The trail continues through the cave- use headlamp

After scrambling through the cave it is very important to take the right trail and not the straight or the left trail. Straight or left will lead you to the rubber plantation area although it intersects further up on the trail.

From here is an uphill climb for about 15 minutes and then a little downhill towards a rocky bed with a towering boulder rising into the sky on the right flank of the trail.

Pass the rickety wooden bridge and ascend up until you reach a sign stating SEMPADAN HUTAN. (forest border)

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The massive boulder on the right towers up to the sky!
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Note this is CP2, we need to hike up to CP8

Part 2 UP UP UP CP2-CP8

From here, it is a steep incline to the peak. You will come across your first mini wave rock formation.

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Wave Rock
wave rock
Some parts of the trail is a 50 degree incline

The trail flattens a little at the majestic tree. And then, it cuts straight up the switchbacks of former logging tracks now overgrown. There are a few steep, slippery sections supported by ropes.

Depending on your fitness, you will reach the baby wave rock in about 15 minutes. It is a teaser to what you will find at the top.

The trail eases before the last final ascend after the huge skeletal tree trunk of what is said to be Pokok Cengal (hardwood dipterocarp or Malaysian teak, highly sort after)

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Majestic banyan tree or pokok Ara in malay

Bukit Baginda Peak 450m & The Wave Rock

From tree trunk, it is a final push to the summit. No vantage points, just a sign indicating the discovery by Negri Sembilan Hikers on 25th October 2018! That's not too long ago!

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Wave rock is a short 3 minute away from the summit

It took us almost 2hour and 30 minutes to the summit! Even if we removed photography time, it would take 2 1/4 hour! This trail is not as easy as one may think! We meet a few hikers who took the wrong turn up, and they looked really exhausted and tired out.

We continued on the trail behind the summit and the Yamtuan rock is not far away. Next to its perch on a cliff, is famed wave rock! There is a magnetic appeal from the rock!

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Batu Yam Tuan Hitam
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The flat surface of the wave rock, almost 20m in height

I am not sure if the rope up to the rock is still intact but if you go around the smooth surface of the rock, there use to be a rope to the top. The rope generally in good condition but never fully trust a rope with all your weight!

We frolicked and explored the area while trying to figure out if it was the moving of plates of the earth or water element that caused the jagged wave columns on the granite rock. The rock is a sight to behold and the photos do not justify it enough!

On the other side of the wave rock, there is an area full of hard mushrooms.

The trail is a back-track. Despite it being downhill all the way, we still took about 1 and half hour. The muddy red clay soil and humus made the descend ever more slippery and we, more cautious. #bukitbagindabatukikir

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Wve rock towering 20m above us and 40m wide

Flora and Fauna

The area appears to have been logged or mined, judging by the many skeletal remains of tree trunks. Most of the hardwood trees have been cleared. Along the trail, we spotted signs of wild boar, and we could hear the distinctive calls of gibbons in the trees. We also encountered what we initially thought was a giant black squirrel or civet cat—whatever it was, it was huge and incredibly agile, effortlessly leaping from one tree to another.

Later, we learned that the creature we'd seen was actually a black panther. We were fortunate that none of us became its next meal.

Waterfalls Jeram Tengkek

About 6km from the trailhead, further down the main road, you could refresh yourself at the Taman Eko Rimba Jeram Tengkek waterfalls.

There, they have toilet and bath facilities there. It is a beautiful place to chillax and reflect on the wonders of nature!

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Jeram Tengkek

We were famished and exhausted after the expedition of a 2 hour half car ride, 3 hour and a half hiking trip and some added steps to the waterfall!

All we could think of was food. We picked a stall by the road-side, managed by the strong women of the village and tried our best to resist not ordering everything they had in the kitchen! The food was tasty, cooked with care, very local and nostalgic!


The wave rock is a true marvel and the journey, a scenic and enchanting experience. A loud shout out to Koon Seng who volunteered to drive the long mile and the girls who came up with the ad-hoc plan.

Date visited: December 2020

1 Comment

Ruyu Gan
Ruyu Gan
Jan 17, 2024

Great info! Thank you ❤️



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2019 by GypsyTracker

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